Saturday, May 23, 2020
Law of Multiple Proportions Definition
The Law of Multiple Proportions states that when elements combine, they do so in the ratio of small whole numbers (assuming they have the same type of chemical bonds). Also Known As: Daltons Law, though that term usually refers to his law of partial pressure Examples: carbon and oxygen react to form CO or CO2, but not CO1.6
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Basic Parts of the Brain and Their Responsibilities
The scarecrow needed it, Einstein had an excellent one, and it can store a whole lot of information. The brain is the control center of the body. Think of a telephone operator who answers incoming calls and directs them to where they need to go. Similarly, your brain acts as an operator by sending messages to and receiving messages from all over the body. The brain processes the information it receives and ensures that messages are directed to their proper destinations. Neurons The brain is composed of specialized cells called neurons. These cells are the basic unit of the nervous system. Neurons send and receive messages through electrical impulses and chemical messages. Chemical messages are known as neurotransmitters and they can either inhibit cell activity or cause cells to become excitable. Brain Divisions The brain is one of the largest and most important organs of the human body. Weighing in at about three pounds, this organ is covered by a three-layered protective membrane called the meninges. The brain has a wide range of responsibilities. From coordinating our movement to managing our emotions, this organ does it all. The brain is composed of three main divisions: the forebrain, brainstem, and hindbrain. Forebrain The forebrain is the most complex of the three parts. It gives us the ability to feel, learn, and remember. It consists of two parts: the telencephalon (contains the cerebral cortex and corpus callosum) and the diencephalon (contains the thalamus and hypothalamus). The cerebral cortex allows us to understand the mounds of information we receive from all around us. The left and right regions of the cerebral cortex are separated by a thick band of tissue called the corpus callosum. The thalamus acts as a telephone line of sorts, allowing information to get through to the cerebral cortex. It is also a component of the limbic system, which connects areas of the cerebral cortex that are involved in sensory perception and movement with other parts of the brain and spinal cord. The hypothalamus is important for regulating hormones, hunger, thirst, and arousal. Brainstem The brainstem consists of the midbrain and the hindbrain. Just as the name suggests, the brainstem resembles the stem of a branch. The midbrain is the upper part of the branch that is connected to the forebrain. This region of the brain sends and receives information. Data from our senses, such as the eyes and ears, are sent to this area and then directed to the forebrain. Hindbrain The hindbrain makes up the lower portion of the brainstem and consists of three units. The medulla oblongata controls involuntary functions such as digestion and breathing. The second unit of the hindbrain, the pons, also assists in controlling these functions. The third unit, the cerebellum, is responsible for the coordination of movement. Those of you who are blessed with great hand-eye coordination have your cerebellum to thank. Brain Disorders As you can imagine, all of us desire a brain that is healthy and functions properly. Unfortunately, there are some who suffer from neurological disorders of the brain. A few of these disorders include Alzheimers disease, epilepsy, sleep disorders, and Parkinsons disease.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Feasibility Marketing Plan †Lumber Business Free Essays
MARKETING PLAN OF MADERA SAN JOSE Marketing Tools Madera San Jose, from the name itself, will offer wood products specifically hardwoods or lumber that would be further used for production of different products such as wood furniture, residential or commercial structures, and etc. Madera is the Spanish word for â€Å"wood†. Madera San Jose’s hardwood products will be expounded on in the next part of the study – the marketing plan of the proposed business. We will write a custom essay sample on Feasibility Marketing Plan – Lumber Business or any similar topic only for you Order Now This part of the feasibility study determines the different types marketing programs prevalent in the lumber industry that can help the Madera. Given that the proposed business is a medium-scale lumber business in the province of Pampanga, the province of Muebles San Jose and also the proposed province for the location of Madera San Jose, the group gathered few and simple but still effective marketing programs that are implemented by owners there to make their business known. They can also be considered as more of marketing tools. Firstly, the businesses give free merchandise such as calendars, face towels and shirts. These materials bear the logo or name of the business as well as its location. Mostly the merchandise is given to both potential and loyal patrons for them to maintain and spread awareness of the business. This practice has been done not just in Pampanga but in other places, too, and not just by lumber business owners but by other business owners, too. Except for the calendars, that are given just once a year, other merchandises are given depending on the owners disposal or whenever the owners want to, and how frequently they want to. It is proven effective because most businesses that have done it are the long-running ones compared to others that have not. The costs associated with these merchandises are as follows: Merchandise| Price Quantity| Calendars| Php 10. 00 per 1 pc. for 30 pcs. (in a bulk)| Face towel| Php 15. 00 per 1 pc. for pcs. (in a bulk)| Shirts| Php 80. 00 per 1 pc. for 100 pcs. (in a bulk)| Secondly, businesses in Pampanga sponsor basketball teams in town leagues. Lumber businesses there have done it, too. In exchange, their logos are seen on the basketball players’ jerseys. Basketball leagues are held more than once annually, sometimes at very frequent intervals. In these events, usually many people come to watch. Aside from basketball jerseys, there are also banners portraying the businesses’ logos and locations. These are seen by owners as opportunities for the business to be recognized so they sponsor. Lumber businesses in Pampanga have done so, too. In Pampanga, the total cost for sponsoring a team is Php 10,000. 00. Following is the breakdown of said amount that will be paid in case Madera sponsors a basketball team. Expenses| Price| Basketball jerseys| Php7,200. 00 (Php 600. 00 x 12 jersey sets)| Banners or Posters| Php 2,000. 00 | Miscellaneous| Php 800. 00| The third and the last marketing tool used by most business owners in the area as well as giving one peso discounts. This practice has long been used by business owners – from large department stores to local lumber business owners. The practice gives customers the mentality that they get to save more while at the same time, not affecting much the costs of incurred by the business for that certain item – considering that there were mark-ups added. Marketing Mix (4 Ps) The marketing plan mainly elaborates on the 4 Ps of a business: the Product, Place, Price, and Promotion. These 4 Ps are also considered the â€Å"marketing mix†of the business that determine what the business has to offer and what are the channels for this offer to reach the consumers. In this part of the study, the said principles are expounded on in the context of Madera San Jose. Product Usually, the first principle of the 4 Ps tackled in marketing plans is the Product. Madera San Jose will offer lumber – to be specific, hardwood products. In the simplest sense, lumber is â€Å"wood in any stage from the time it is cut from a tree through its use in construction or paper,†(What is Lumber Homepage, 2013). Lumber is cut from a tree through a process called felling. After it is cut and shipped, it is supplied either â€Å"rough†or â€Å"finished†. Finished lumber is primarily used in the construction industry. Most finished lumber is cut from softwood trees such as pine, fir, or cedar. Some rough lumber includes hardwoods for use in high-grade wood floors (What is Lumber Homepage, 2013). Rough lumber is raw and uncut to standardized measurements. It is used for furniture or specialty manufacturing where custom cutting and shaping is required. Given that Muebles San Jose concentrates on furniture making – custom-made or otherwise – Madera San Jose will mainly sell rough lumber in the form of hardwoods. The hardwood lumber products to be offered by Madera are: Lauan, Yakal, Teak, Gmelina, Malabuaya, Narra, Mahogany, Apitong, and Antipolo. Like the competitors, Top Lumber and Angeles LCM Construction Supply, Madera San Jose will get most of its woods from the suppliers in Tarlac. Below are the illustrations of the different hardwood products to be sold by Madera San Jose. Lauan YakalTeak Gmelina Malabuaya NarraMahoganyApitongAntipolo These lumber products, as mentioned, are to be processed further for production of more products such as trimmings for structures and more especially, furniture. Place The second P stands for Place. Madera San Jose’s wood warehouse and store itself is to be established in Angeles City, Pampanga. Pampanga is the home of Muebles San Jose. However, be that as it is, Muebles is in Mabalacat, not Angeles City. Angeles City was chosen due to its close proximity to Mabalacat – Mabalacat borders Angeles City in the latter’s northern part. Secondly, it is considered as a first-class highly urbanized city in the country, with its numerous residential areas as well as commercial ones such as restaturants, malls, universities and even tourist spots such as ancestral mansions and houses. These structures require a lot of wood – both for the building itself as well as the furniture. Since the site is a highly industrial part of Pampanga, it is accessible to its suppliers from both Tarlac and Manila; MARSSE Timber Suppliers, Tarlac and Mango and Timber Plantation, Manila – the latter’s office is located in Taguig. Each supplier supplies 3,000 board feet of wood monthly. The exact location of Madera San Jose in Angeles City will be in Brgy. Pandan. The proposed business will actually be located at Pandan Road, Brgy. Pandan, Angeles City, Pampanga. There are about nine puroks situated in Barangay Pandan. These are: Old Pandan, Land Tenure, San Ignacio Subdivision, Springside Subdivision, Citicenter A, Citicenter B, Magalang Avenue Extension, Jaovil Compound, and Saint Ignatius Subdivision. There are also several establishments – furniture shops, schools (public and private), barangay hall (of Pandan and of other nearby barangays) – that are relevant to the business. The exact location where the proposed business will be launched is noticeably located on a main road and is situated in a commercial-residential area. This is intended such that the business will be highly accessible to the chance buyers and to the greater market, specifically businesses within the vicinity and residents living in the area, who may have probably become the clients of Madera San Jose. The lot measures 300sq. m. and the lumber business is expected to occupy 280sq. m. Originally, the location was a bare land. It was acquired it years before by Mr. Manabat for the purpose of expanding his first business. Price The price for the lumber of Madera San Jose was also gathered from the standard prices of woods per board foot in Pampanga. Following are the prices: Hardwood| Price Per Board Foot| Lauan| Php30. 00| Yakal| Php40. 00| Teak| Php60. 00| Gmelina| Php26. 00| Malabuaya| Php30. 00| Narra| Php85. 00| Mahogany| Php30. 00| Apitong| Php30. 00| Antipolo| Php35. 00| One will notice that these prices are also the same as those of the competitors’. This is because of the fact that the owners want to use competition-based pricing. Competition-based pricing is the strategy used when a firm uses the competitor’s prices as benchmarks. In Madera’s case, since there are only two (2) competitors nearby that also offer hardwood lumber; Top Lumber and Angeles LCM Construction Supply, and both have the same prices, Madera used their prices. Same prices are used to get more people from the competitors’ pool of patrons, and no decreases are made either, so that Madera an establish stability since the business is new and so that there will be allowance for possible future discounts. Also, other lumber dealers sell at the same prices and the customers are used to the standard. Since Madera San Jose will be a new addition, the business will also use the same prices to establish its place in the market. Promotion Promotional tools used by lumber businesses in Pampanga have been mentioned already in the first part of this portion of the study. Going back, the three tools are: 1) giving of printed merchandise, 2) sponsorship of basketball leagues, and 3) one-peso discounts. `The group recommends Madera San Jose to use the first and second tools – printed merchandise and basketball league sponsorships. Giving printed merchandise such as calendars, face towel, and shirts is not something new in the small to medium industries but they are helpful in spreading knowledge of the business. For instance, buildings – whether private of public, large or small – that display the calendars will help in making the new business known. It is also an ideal way because calendars are displayed and looked at all year round. As for shirts and towels, people who wear or use them are mostly people from the manual labor sector. These people tend to move and work a lot in the local community. Without spreading information on the business verbally, these people â€Å"display†the business just by moving around. It will help that the printed information not just contains the business logo and name but the business address as well. The second tool is the team sponsorship in basketball leagues. As mentioned, basketball leagues are hugely-crowded events. Some people from other towns even visit to watch. In the basketball leagues, aside from banners that can be displayed around the court, Madera can gain exposure through basketball jerseys with the business logo printed on them. Aside from having huge crowds to whom Madera can be exposed to, basketball leagues are held more than once a year – even more frequently if the area has many playing teams. Madera will have more exposure time. One might wonder why the third tool was not applied. This tool is the one-peso discount strategy. It would be good for the business. However, it is also deemed ideal if this strategy will not be applied in at present – when the business is still new in the industry. Customers should be accustomed first with the actual prices before being given the discounts. Marketing Plan Conclusion In sum, unlike other industries, the lumber businesses in Pampanga do not highly focus on marketing. If one will notice in this study, this marketing part does not comprise much information compared to other aspects such as the operational plan and financials. This is so because first and foremost, the lumber industry in Pampanga mainly relies on word-of-mouth as the major marketing agenda. Owners, aside from giving free merchandise and some basketball leagues do not use famous media such as the television, radios and magazines. Some even do not have a marketing strategy at all, or if they do, they do not practice it for the long run. They just rely on word-of-mouth. In short, the most reliable and fool-proof way of gaining more customers for Madera San Jose is based on its products and how these will make the customers satisfied enough to spread information about them. How to cite Feasibility Marketing Plan – Lumber Business, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Risk Identification Information Systems Development and Delivery
Question : Identify what areas in the chapter (Info Systems J (2004) 14, 313342) are most at risk - or challenging for information systems professionals. Be specific, and support your critique/assertions with references from other articles, blogs or forms of referenced testimony [cite all sources used]. Include a 'References Cited" section. Answer : The section 3, of the article proposes a coding system so that the ISD process knowledge can be organized. A lot of literature and knowledge has been generated in the past 40 years in terms of ISD. However it is not easy to develop a coding system. There are several issues in developing a unified coding system. There are a number of ISD methods and this creates a representation problem. Besides that it is not worthwhile to expect that there will be only a single ISD approach. There are a number of information systems. There is need to develop a variety of information systems, because different ISD approaches will result in more variety and will provide more features. The ISD can be developed in a number of ways. However each development method has its limitations. Some of the approaches may be more general, while some of the approaches may be too focused. It is difficult to prepare a classification tree without clear understanding of the different ISD methods. However the list of the various ISD methods is not exhaustive. It is also necessary to include failed ISD projects as inclusion of the failed ISD cases may result in new insights that could help us avoiding the repeated errors. Thus knowledge of various ISD methods will increase the success rate of development of coding system. The development of coding system needs creation of a hierarchy. However creation of hierarchy is not an easy task as knowledge provided by various ISD may be contradictory or conflicting. Another issue is that the hierarchy and so the BoK cannot be static, as the arena of IT is ever changing. Thus the coding system cannot be a fixed coding system and there should be room for changes as and when required. When a new ISD approaches in generated, the coding system should be able to incorporate it. Another aspect is the collection of the literature for the purpose of coding. It is a herculean task and there should be parameters for choosing the relevant literature. Thus the articles which are not online may get ignored, if the parameter does not focus on inclusion of off line articles. Once the literature is collected, the second step is to group various ISD approaches. However it is possible that some of the approaches may be grouped as general approaches and there may be some border line cases while grouping the ISD approaches. As the coding system is still in alpha stage, there are chances of misrepresentations. However the primary goal is to create a coding system and the refinement of the coding system can be done at later stages. Thus the creation of coding system is more of an organization of the ISD systems. The coding system hierarchy may not be as systematic as the botanical classification of the plants and herbs or scientific classification of various chemicals. It appears to be inherent limitation of the IS field that it is both technical as well as behavioral. References Banville, C. Landry, M. (1989) Can the field of MIS be disciplined? Communications of the ACM, 32, 4860. Culnan, M. (1987) Mapping the intellectual structure of MIS, 19801985: a co-citation analysis. MIS Quarterly, 11,341353. Iivari, J. (1991) A paradigmatic analysis of contemporary schools of IS development. European Journal of Information Systems, 1, 249272. Iivari, J., Hirschheim, R. Klein, H. (20002001) A dynamic framework for classifying information systems development methodologies and approaches. Journal of Management Information Systems, 17, 179218. Zwerman, W.L. (1999) Profession/occupation without a history. IEEE Annals of the History of Computing, 21,6670.
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