Thursday, October 31, 2019
Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Globalization - Essay Example While such benefits either maintain or heighten the status of globalization, globalized progress occurs at the cost of the distribution of gains. Where considerable gains are obtained by rich nations or individuals, greater inequalities result, further causing potential conflicts within local settings and abroad. Another probable cost is perceived in the control of national economies which could shift from sovereign governments to other entities, typically leading to extreme nationalism or the rise to fundamentalist political movements (Intriligator). By examining an article about Fiat, written by Jorn Madslien, one may view and better understand a concrete scenario of how costs and benefits work under globalization. According to the article, Fiat’s intention to adapt to flexibility by splitting group to develop a division on non-car assets and merge economies upon integration with Chrysler and other huge manufacturing firms altogether reflect the author’s agreement to the position that places globalization on the necessity of interdependence.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Operations Management Plan for a Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Operations Management Plan for a Company - Essay Example The company is also determined to maintain a Customer Support Service, which matches with the best in the industry. The company wishes to maintain a strict control on the movement of input components and materials to the assembly plants, the assembly process, the dispatch of finished product to the dealers, and actual sale to the end user, in order to optimize the operations and maintain cost effectiveness and customer satisfaction. All the operations are to be centrally monitored at the head quarters at Osaka, Japan. Key issues in the supply chain and logistics management, customer support, quality assessment tools and quality management techniques are discussed, taking into consideration the impact of the geographical spread of the component suppliers, manufacturing bases, distribution channels, customer support centers and end users. 1. Processor Chip: This is to be procured from southern China. It is suggested that at least one additional source may be developed for the processor chip to avoid unforeseen supply problems in future. Assembly Plants: As seen from the supply chain diagram, the above materials are supplied to the two assembly plants, one located in Thailand, and the other in Mexico. Hence, it will be additionally beneficial to finalize at least one component supplier for each component category geographically close to each assembly plant. Major supplies of components to an assembly plant can be made by the suppliers geographically close to it, and materials from other suppliers may be diverted only in case of delivery problems. The quality checking of the incoming materials is done after receipt of incoming materials at the assembly plants. After assembly operation at the assembly p
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Importance of education in Pakistan
Importance of education in Pakistan Education is important for Pakistans progress. Despite recent achievements, the country still faces numerous challenges to raise the education of its population to the standard of its South Asian neighbors, and to meet its own social and economic development needs. Pakistan: An overview Pakistan is located in the South and West Asia region neighboring borders India, Iran, Afghanistan and the Arabian Sea. Total population of Pakistan in 2010 is 173 million. About 64% people live in rural areas whereas 36% people live in urban areas. Introduction: This paper is designed to give a report on education in Pakistan. In this paper, the different roles, facts, and policies are reviewed which were designed for providing education in the country. Different education system, development challenges and causes are discussed. The education is now become one of the most defining enterprises of the 21st century with the emergence of globalization and increasing competition. In this fast world, education and technology are the basic keys for survival and progress of Pakistan respectively. Pakistan is determined to respond positively to emerging needs, opportunities and challenges of globalization. Education is one of the golden key that is considered as a big change and progress. Progress and prosperity of the country depends on the kind of education that is provided to the people. WOMEN IN EDUCATION In Pakistan, the rate of womens literacy remains low as compared to mens. Women have a low percentage of participation in society. The status of women in Pakistan especially in rural areas is low which is due to social and cultural obstacles. One of the strangest aspects in Pakistan is that some place especially in northern tribal areas the family is against of educating girls. The situation in NWFP and Baluchistan is most critical. The rate of women literacy is 3-8%. Many organizations have opened such schools in these areas that provide education. Unfortunately, the government has not taken any steps or measurements to promote literacy to girls education in these areas. â€Å"In 1981 only 7% of women in rural areas were literate, compared with 35% in urban areas. Among men, these rates were 27 and 57 percent, respectively†. This backwardness of the women is due to the non-equal treatment with them.In developed countries male female are considered equally. This unequal treatment with women takes the country to backward. In Pakistan a system of education with equal opportunities of education to male and female must be provided. BACKGROUNG OF EDUCATION POLICY In 2005, the Government of Pakistan has decided to review the National Education Policy to achievable in the field of education to overcome the problem regarding conflicts and achieve a knowledge that permits every person to realize his duty. This policy review will result in a policy which is applicable to all providers of education in Pakistan in which formal and non-formal states are included. In Pakistan context the essential part is ideological bases and historically provided by Islam as an ideology derived from Islamic religion. Islam is the fundamental source of providing values for our daily life. It also provides an ethical conduct which is an essential precondition for social development. /////Policy Planning Pakistani education sector is the most neglected sector. The literacy rate in Pakistan is 49.9% as of 2008. Education Policy has to be nationally developed and owned. It is simplistic and unprofitable to prepare it at the federal level and thrust upon the provinces. In Pakistan till now at least nine documents have issued that have the status of a policy. Each policy was prepared with varying degree and involvement of the federating units. Main development Challenges Following are the main issues and challenges in adult literacy and non-formal education: There is no separate budget allocation for adult literacy from total expenditures on education; the 10% is spent on other, which includes adult literacy, NFBE, teachers training, madrassahs reform, etc. There is a lack of a coordination b/w organizational structure and institutional mechanism for literacy. Due to lack of training of teachers and of formalized curriculum and non-existence of effective research in the field of literacy and continuing education the professional base of adult literacy initiatives remained under developed. ..Local language is being ignored or not even taught to learn basic literacy. ..The link between basic and post literacy is missing in existing literacy programs, which resulted in bad situation on the part of learners and teachers. The basic literacy need to be properly equipped with skill based post literacy programs, that support learners/teachers to go beyond reading, writing and numerous generating skills and sustainable improvement in their lives. In the past years due to political instability and insecurity in the country creates a big challenge for all nation. Public private partnership is also a not properly linked in literacy programs; it needs to be streamlined through proper facilitation and coordination. Private sector in Education Pakistan has highlighted some facts recently in new publications regarding primary level education sector. In Pakistan children rate going to private schools has rapidly growths to about 1/3rd of total Private schools are largely present in both urban and in rural areas. These publications have also argued that In private schools the Quality of education is better than public (gauged through testing) even when one controls for income and such factors, and Cost of provision of this education, per child, is lower than in the public sector. In education private investment is encouraging. At national and provincial levels there shall be regulatory bodies to regulate activities and smooth functioning of privately-managed schools and institutions of higher education through proper rules and regulations. For setting-up of educational facilities by the private sector a reasonable tax rebate shall be granted on the expenditure. Through Education Foundations matching grants shall be provided for establishing educational institutions by the private sector in the rural areas or poor urban areas. In collaboration with the Ministry of Education existing institutions of higher learning shall be allowed to negotiate for financial assistance with donor agencies. Schools which are running on non-profit basis shall be exempted from all taxes. According to the principles laid down in the Federal Supervision of curricula, Textbooks and Maintenance of Standards of Education Act, 1976 the Curricula of private institutions must conform. In consultation with the government the fee structure of the privately managed educational institutions shall be developed. Causes of Downfall: There are numerous causes for the downfall of education in Pakistan which are below. Economical Negligence: Pakistan has remained a weak economy of the world as it got nothing in its just assets that were snatched by India. The conflict between these two countries on Kashmir issue has hardly allowed the government to allocate funds in budget for other sectors while the education is not an exception in this regard. Till now just 2% of GDP is allocated for the betterment of education which is quite inappropriate to meet education demand. All the funds are not given through a proper channel and a fake audit report is generated that the funds utilization has been spent on education purposes. Rapid growth in poverty: According to 2002 Economic Survey Report, â€Å"Most of the inhabitants of Pakistan are poor and 40% of them live under poverty line, about 70% of its population dwells in villages. About 300,000, young ones are jobless. They have no access to good education†. This report shows that how much difficulties and troubles have been faced by this poor and suppressed class of the country. The main occupation of people is agriculture which is yearly generated which cannot fulfill their daily and basic needs of life. It is also noted that only 1% landlords hold almost 95% of lands in Pakistan which is totally unfair. This unjust division of land creates a huge economical problem which not only for the poor but also the government. Political Negligence: â€Å"If you want to destroy the future of any nation, no need to wage war with them; defunct their education, they will remain no more live on the map of the world.†still now no politician has paid attention in improving the standard of education so far, as far as the question of history of development of education in Pakistan is concerned. In case of Sindh, in early 1970s, lingual riots took place and a new cancer of copy culture was introduced and boosted up by politicians to prevail among the people. No official steps were taken in curbing this fatal disease. Now, the result is that throughout the country Sindhi students are understood the out come of copy culture and basic rights in every walk of life are denied to them, because however, they may be genius and creators but the fact remained that they lack in management and unable move the economy of the country just because they bear a title of COPY CULTURE. It was a political conspiracy based on totally bias. Being a Sindhi, I do not favour Sindhis that they are not given a proper share in different walks of life, whatever is happening to them is the only out come of wrong and misled polic ies which have been blindly followed up by them. Patriotism is the very hinge for all virtues, living in the same country everyone at first is Pakistani then Sindhi, Punjabee, Balochee and or Pathan, respectively. So, now it is our turn to turn a new leaf and pace with our other provincial brothers to improve the management of our beloved country Pakistan, believing in â€Å"united we stand, divided we fall†. Education has become a question of survival for us; less developed man cannot bring the change in improving the skills that are vital for the uplift of the education. 2011 is Pakistans Year of Education. Its time to think again about Pakistans most pressing long-term challenge. The economic cost of not educating Pakistan is the equivalent of one flood every year. The only difference is that this is a self-inflicted disaster. The announcement made by the prime minister that 2011 will be the ‘Pakistan Year of Education high lightens the future goals. The Pakistan Education Task Force has argued ever that Pakistan needs to give the highest possible to priority to education for good reasons. Due to unavailability of education there is a no single chance that the government will reach the development goals by 2015 on education. While on the other hand, India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are all on their way to achieving the same goals. As compared with India it improving education rate is ten times that of Pakistan, whereas Bangladeshs is twice that of Pakistan. Pakistanis have a constitutional right to universal education. In the 18th Amendment it has discussed that education has become now a right and no longer a privilege as it was in past times. Article 25A give a scenario where a citizen can take the government to court for not providing them access, or even be the grounds for a suo moto action. At current rates of progress, no person alive today will see a Pakistan with universal education as defined in our constitution. Balochistan would see it in 2100 or later. Just one year of education for women in Pakistan can help reduce fertility by 10 per cent, controlling the other resource emergency this country faces. There are 26 countries poorer than Pakistan but send more of their children to school, demonstrating the issue is not about finances, but will and articulating demand effectively. It is too easy, and incorrect, to believe that Pakistan is too poor to provide this basic right. Pakistan spent 2.5 per cent of its budget on schooling in 2005/2006. It now spends just 1.5 per cent in the areas that need it most. That is less than the subsidies given to PIA, PEPCO and Pakistan Steel. Provinces are allocated funds for education but fail to spend the money. We presume the public school system is doing poorly because teachers are poorly paid, this is untrue. Public school teachers get paid 2/3rds more than their equivalent private low cost school counterparts; they earn four times that of the average parent of a child in their school. Despite this, on any given day 10-15 per cent of teachers will be absent from their duties teaching. There is demand for education that is partly being addressed by low cost private schools, even one third of all rural children go to these schools (public schools can cost Rs.150 per month, low cost private schools the same or up to Rs.250). Despite the large presumption of the media, both domestic and international, this gap is not actually being addressed by Madrassahs. Only six per cent of students go to Madrassahs. CONCLUSION Education is Important in an ideological state, without which nobody can progress towards development both in personal terms as well as a nation state. Education provides the base for both social and economic development. The poor quality of educational system may be one of the most important reasons of downfall. In Pakistan, the quality of education is on the decline because the government not uplifting the quality and quantity of education. Without teachers transformation a nation cannot transform the education system for improving the quality of education. In this regard, a series of education reforms in the area of teacher education were introduced in the public sector but their vision seemed to be narrow, hence, they failed to make any substantial impact on the quality of teachers and teaching process. Eventually, it further affected the quality of education being offered in schools. Education system of Pakistan is facing new challenges. It has yet to be developed at par with other developing countries in the region.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
‘Clan Of The Cave Bear’ By Jean Auel Jean Auel wrote the book by the name of the â€Å"Clan of the cave bear†and it has been hailed as one of the bets pieces of all times. It was so good that even a movie has been made on the story line and much of the success of the movie can be accredited to the success of the book itself. The story is basically about this woman and her struggles in life and it is very broad because the story develops over the years and it encompasses a number of other characters and happenings in her life. It is about how things shape out in her life and many a reader may get the impression that it is herself that she is talking about and that she went through the similar period of turmoil and trouble in her own times. Life can be a funny thing and as the title of the play suggests that it is about a family which in this case is the family of the bear or his clan and the story deals with their lives and developments over the years. The story begins like any common novel but the way in which the language and expression can be felt is very deep rooted and the impact is very deep. It is able to interact with the people and the human values and human touch has been emphasized by the writer. She feels that the best way to interact with the reader is by giving them something that is new to them. Humane touch and the human element is something that has been missing in the books of recent times and that is what makes the American writers peculiar because their level of interaction and their inclusion of the human values in their works are very pronounced. The main character in the book is a female who is left stranded after a disaster and she is at a loss of words because she is still in her tender age. She is so young t... ...the prime focus of study in the book and the writer has not spared any thought about their description and she has done a remarkably wonderful job of making that link so effective between the two completely different worlds. The adoptive and the parental instincts as well as the human touch are apparently clear. The two worlds might seem equally ugly to one another from a naked eye. Ayla learns about new things and is able to understand the things that are not known to the outside world. There are social and moral taboos and she breaks them and she is allowed to do so and she ventures in the unfamiliar territory where no one else has been before. There is mystery and there may be evolution but moreover it is all about the way the things may interact and bring out the best from the ends where things might have been there but have always gone so unnoticed by us all.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Unification Of Germany And Italy History Essay
The fusion of both Germany and Italy changed each state everlastingly. The impact for both the fusion of Germany and Italy created a forceful mentality for independency, economic growing, and a strong patriotism. However, to each its ain can be a statement here, as the fusions besides brought bloody war, separation, and commanding political relations. This essay will compare and contrast the fusion of Germany and the fusion of Italy. War is war. It is a natural force, it can unify some, and divide others, and the fusion of both Germany and Italy are to be understood with the same frame of idea for this essay. The similarities for Germany and Italy are many, but here I will name the points that are most recognizable from an academic position. Chiefly it is of import to notate that both unification procedures required the work and order of a confident leader. Even though the fusion of Italy required a changed in leading, the procedure led to the same end. Where Germany had, Bismarck, Italy had di Cavor. Bismarck was known as the â€Å" Bloody Iron. †His ideas of fusion were of pure endurance. He required barbarous force to derive integrity for Germany. Italy ‘s leading thought with a more political mentality. Camilo di Cavor ( the kingsmen that eventually took Italy all the manner into fusion ) relied more on blessing from political groups and out of economic despair. In add-on, Italy had a larger battle due to the extent of the current disorganisation and separation of her boundary lines. There were at least 39 single bordering locations to unify with what subsequently became the capital of Italy, Rome. In add-on, both fusions had a end of unifying their broken state and supplying a centralised authorities regulation. However, being that the logical thinking is considered to include economic agencies in both fusions ; the importance in the economic base for Italy was far more of import and necessary. Italy had faced bankruptcy and a great depression from all of the anterior promises from anterior leaders. This was Italy ‘s chief thrust, endurance after multiple attempts and complete old failure. The rudimentss of each state and their push for fusion were that multiple districts desired the integrity of so holding control and running one united state or authorities. The demands for the people were presented different in the narrative of the fusions, but the demands for a authorities do look of import, if non more of import, to the fusion procedure. Germany had a program and struck while the Fe was hot, where Italy had to take some major falls before they were able to unify as one. Unlike other wars, the fusions of both Germany and Italy gained support from all societal categories. The fusion ‘s intent for both of the states led to a patriotism to let each state excessively so thrive. The societal populations of both states shared the same demands, but for different commanding factors. Austria ruled Northern Italy, and the Catholic Church controlled cardinal Italy. Germany was nowhere nigh every bit discombobulated as Italy, yet had the same desire of centralisation control in authorities and policy. Equally far as existent procedure of fusion, merely put, Germany ‘s fusion procedure did differ in ways from the fusion of Italy. Where Italy was under a pollex of foreign control, Germany was independent. Some of the foreign controls for Italy included Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Pope, the Duchies of Spoleto and the land of Two Siciles. Germany entered fusion with a major war with France and subsequently established universe power, but this was through denial of advice from multiple countries, including the Pope! Their consistent disposition led to a speedy triumph. Another signifier of difference between both states ‘ fusion is the existent procedure required to derive each of their fusions. Germany won their unification rapidly and swift, merely seven hebdomads, where Italy was a bloody conflict for their lone authorities for multiple old ages and multiple leaders. Italy took old ages longer along with a batch of leader and male monarch restructuring excessively eventually derive the same success as Germany. Even though each state had similar aims, their thoughts of the demand to unite did differ somewhat. Germany wanted to organize a â€Å" 3rd Germany †in which Germany excluded from Austria and Prussia. Germany besides gained their fusion through direct and unfastened struggle. On the reverse, Italy ‘s objected was to divide themselves from France in hope of a lone authorities. There were enormous up ‘s and down ‘s for Italy and her people, and unification fit the demand at the clip. Looking at the leaders for each of the fusions, Italy faced failure through Napoleon after merely 100 yearss into war. He was subsequently exiled and succeeded by Louis IVIII, this led to the public violences of the people and the non-support due a direct failure that subsequently led to a belly-up Italy. Later, enters Italy ‘s premier curate of the land Savoy, Camilo di Cavor. He launches war and uses diplomatic negotiations and war to drive power. He is better known as the Brain. Cavour is the leader that eventually led Italy ( after a few failed efforts ) to fusion. The procedure was long and hard, but the wages was deserving Italy ‘s cicatrixs. Germany ‘s leader is merely one adult male, Otto Von Bismarck. In 1862, Bismarck was appointed the King of Prussia. Bismarck used policy of Realpolitik to regulate. Bismarck held small or no idea to single moralss, over all ethical motives, or current legalities. Bismarck ‘s end was to beef up military and the industrialized the nucleus of Germany and Germany ‘s people. His ideas of fusion were unite German provinces under one ruleaˆÂ ¦simply stated, non Austrian, but Prussian regulation! Quickly, the Germans defeated the Gallic and at the terminal of the war, all of the German provinces joined with Prussia to unify as one German State. The chauvinistic feeling was on the rise during the clip that Bismarck and Cavor controlled the states of Germany and Italy. Both leaders opted to work that experiencing through war. Through Treaties, confederations were formed for Germany, but it is through failure so success that confederations were formed for Italy. Both fusions served similar intents and yet different concluding. As I stated in the beginning of this essay, the impact for both the fusion of Germany and Italy created a forceful mentality for independency, economic growing, and a strong patriotism. The terminal wages for both Germany and Italy remain the same, remarkable patriotism through combined integrity.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Purpose of Life Essay
Are you really contented with your life? Do you even know the real purpose of life here on Earth? What is your purpose for waking up everyday? Why can you hear, see, smell, talk and think? What are you here for? Every life here on Earth has their own purpose of existence. The plants, they play a huge role on maintaining the cleanliness of our planet and the air we breathe. The animals, they serve as our food and source of life. But us humans, do we know our purpose? Of course, many would say yes, but then again is that our real purpose for living? According to the book â€Å"40 days of purpose†by Rick Warren, there are consequences of not knowing your purpose. One is, without knowing your purpose life will seem tiresome. Because if you do not know your purpose and so confusion will take control of you, and when that happens you just go with the flow like the river flowing into the sea. You just go round and round and back again. Second, without knowing your purpose life will seem unfulfilling. Like the saying goes history merely repeats itself because there is no contentment, no satisfaction at all. No matter how much we have we still ask for more. Third, without knowing your purpose life will seem uncontrollable. We often do things we think is right, but actually we are being deceived by the knowledge the world has put into us and not by our own knowledge that God has given us. But on the other hand, if you will know your purpose of living, there are also benefits from it. First, knowing the purpose of your life will give your life focus. Just like in a team, every team has one purpose and that is to attain a certain goal. Next is, knowing the purpose of your life will simply your life. In here comes fulfillment, contentment, joy and satisfaction. Third, knowing the purpose of your life will increase motivation in your life. Every good and bad things that happen in this world has a reason and a purpose, and it’s for us to find out. We only need to strive, work and be patient to discover it. Lastly, knowing the purpose of your life will prepare you for eternity. We all know that nothing is permanent in this world, we will all die in the future. But the question is are we ready when that time comes? Are we able to comply with the purpose where God has placed us? If you feel tired, unfulfilled and uncontrollable then it means that you are still in the process of knowing your purpose. But, if you are focused, living a simple life, motivated and prepared for the future, for eternity then you are living the purpose of God in your life. And so are you living with the purpose or are you leaving your purpose? Thank you! And God bless!
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